Permaculture Swap @ Ringwood

June 18, 2023
Please check with the event organiser, as due to social distancing guidelines, event may be cancelled or may happen online instead.
Sunday, 18th Jun 10:00 am - 11:30 am

A local community group event auspiced by Eastern Suburbs Permaculture Group, for anyone and everyone to swap their home and garden produce with others. This helps to promote fresh local food that has a low carbon footprint and attendees can swap excess harvests for something different. Through food (and food related processes), we become a part of a connected, flourishing community. Ditto for the clothes swap which runs alongside the crop swap.

A time and place for like-minded people to share ideas and tips, and to encourage one another in their quest to be sustainable. So come along and bring your ‘stuff’ to swap.  If it’s good enough for you, it’s good enough to share. If you’re unsure about what the ‘stuff’ should be, contact us. And yes, BYO bags/baskets to bring lots more ‘stuff’ home! Everyone is welcome.

Central Ringwood Community Centre