PcV at the SLF!
Thanks to all our helpers at the SLF who helped make the event a smooth and successful presence for Permaculture Victoria at the SLF for the past 3 days. Your help is very much appreciated and we hope you had an enjoyable time meeting other permies and helping other visitors by answering the many questions including that one we love, What is permaculture?
Huge thanks go to PCV: Simon Walters and Mal Boyd, and from GSEPG: Meg An Platte, Cele Leach, Ali Hatfield, Paul Martin, Shane Sutton, and from ESPG: Claire S. and Petra Kahle and Margaret Hartman, also helping were Ann Stevens, Ania Zamecznik and on the PA side of the tent John John Mckenzie and Virginia Solomon. I hope I’ve not missed anyone. You’re a great bunch of permies and we love you all! Great job!